Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finding God's Glory in the Scariest Places

My mom and I were driving in the car the other day. Out of the blue she feels the need to note, “You know, I’m not sure how I feel about raising possibly the next big name in Horror Fiction.” I thought for a second then asked, “Because of the ‘next big name’ part or the Horror part?” She promptly assured me she meant the fact that I was interested in Horror Fiction. Apparently it kind of “weirded” her out.

It’s not that she’s doesn’t support me; she’s definitely one of the most supportive mothers I’ve ever met.

But that question still lingers in the back of everybody’s mind…Can you uphold your faith, keeping right in the eyes of God, and find enjoyment from the eerie world of Horror?

Personally, I find no conviction when I read through a good scary novel. I do struggle sometimes with the idea of it being wrong to enjoy Horror as a Christian. But I still don’t feel a strong conviction when I read my favorite genre. So recently, when my mom Facebook messaged me an article by Jared Moore titled, “How to Watch a Scary Movie Unto the Glory of God” I was pretty psyched.

The article discusses how movies and novels exploring the more edgy side of things can be appreciated without the fear of losing the Lord’s love. Moore explains ways to “enjoy the Lord” while watching Horror movies or TV shows. He gives a list of things such as admiring the gift of the authors, directors, and actors; finding joy in the fact that most show the good guys winning over the sources of evil; and recognizing that yes, some shows do contradict the Lord, and we have to remember that God is meant to be our security, hope, trust, and life.

Moore also goes into how, as Christians, we DO need to be careful when watching stuff like this. He presents five things that Christians must keep in mind.

“How to Watch a Scary Movie Unto the Glory of God” encourages me. Reminds me to continue doing what I love, but not just because I love it, but because in everything I do, there is a way to honor Jesus Christ. Even if it involves a movie or novel which may or may not give me nightmares. It also serves as a good reminder to keep my eyes where they should be and to keep my heart in line. While it is okay to find enjoyment in a good scare, it is equally important to remember that I am human and apt to sin.

No matter my love for Horror Fiction, Jesus Christ and His truth should still be the center of my focus. If I do stumble upon something that’s going to encourage me or tempt me to sin, as a Christian, I need to be aware of the fact and stay away from it.

So for those of you who also gather a few odd looks from suspicious bystanders, I encourage you to read the article. As for me, my mom may still be a bit "weirded" out by my peculiar pull to this side of fiction, but I see a world of scares and thrills, good over evil, and a place to show the glory of God in drastic and radical ways. 

The choice to participate in this strange genre remains a personal choice that is not so black and white. But the article just might help in figuring things out.

To read this article you can follow the link below:


  1. Great thoughts Hannah. As we participate in all forms of stories/media, the goal must be God's glory. We must reject Satan's lies, and take all truths and connect them to God through Christ. Keep on keeping on!

  2. I'm always looking for articles to write about to reinforce the view that Horror and Christianity can mix. I was so glad to find your writing. Thanks again for sending me some more, I look forward to it!
